By Kathleen Burch

Networking is more than just putting your business name out there for people to find you, but it is also a part of getting to know people, who are going to spread the word about what you do, what you sell, and that are going to support you in all that you do. Networking is going to involve getting to know as many people in life as you can, and putting your business in front of those people, so they will represent your name, your business, and will tell others about what you have to offer.

Most of the time we associate travel with business purposes, but it could also be a simple visit to your parents' or relatives' home state or some quality time for yourself. Instead of making sure you sit next to your family or business associates on the plane, do the opposite and make sure you sit next to somebody you do NOT know - talk to that person and get to know him/her, and do the same to the people next to you in the lobby before the flight. Make it a point to meet and greet at least one new person a day.

So what should you do in order to achieve this?

"Hi there, how's the day going so far?" is a question that could go a long way. Ask questions. The best way to get to know someone is to ask questions. You have nothing to lose anyway, and everything to gain by asking these questions. Asking questions is a good icebreaker, in turn, the person is going to want to talk about their self, and where they are traveling too. Then it would be time to hit them with a "leading question", like asking if the trip is business or personal in nature.

As you go on with the conversation, the person is going to ask you questions, which is where you will be able to talk about your business and what you do. As you make it a point to get to know at least one new person a day- you are going to increase your network, which means you will increase the people that you know in life. If you really want to increase your business network, it would behoove you to improve your social skills if necessary or improve the way you converse with others. There is no excuse not to do this. There is no excuse not to meet at least one new individual per day, and if you don't, make it at least two the next day. If your parents told you ages ago never to talk to strangers, ignore that advice as a confident and driven adult - talking to "strangers" to increase your network will subsequently increase your sales in the long run!

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