Inner Child Healing Techniques And Methods

Posted by Brett Slansky | 6:42 PM | 0 comments »

By Andrew Johnson

Over the years, trauma therapists have experimented with a number of different methods in their practices. In recent times, therapists have found that inner child healing techniques have been seen to be more and more effective. This is often the case since people participate in practical methods during the sessions. In addition to this, they also are assigned tasks outside of the sessions.

Many people think that they have received the odd punishment by aunts or uncles. They may have been exposed to pornography or voyeurism. Punishment can include violence, such as the pulling of hair, shaking and punching. Kids whose parents have divorced will struggle in years to come.

This promotes fear and panic in their lives. It is the youngster who is still affected and this is why the adult is still fearful about various situations in their lives. A whole host of disorders and issues come up as a result. This can include anxiety, depression, panic disorders, addictions and withdrawal. One may walk around with a lot of anger because they don't deal with the child within.

It is important to talk or write to the child about special qualities, treating him or her gently. This leads to compassion and love. When you can't love yourself, it is difficult to love others. You will have trouble with relationships, and possibly authority figures which makes it difficult to cope in the workplace. When you neglect these types of problems, it only becomes worse.

If they are not comfortable with this at first, they are encouraged to write a letter. This can be better for a person who is more introverted. However, they need to read this out aloud. It is also encouraged for the therapist to set the individual a task of continuing a letter outside of the session. This helps them to stay motivated. They may set a theme, such as forgiveness, shame of love, for example. This is a way in which the patient can elaborate on the topic.

The anger, suppression, depression and anxiety is coming from the inner child who has not resolved their feelings. When the adult becomes fearful and begins to panic, they are going back to the state where they were once this small child. This is why the individual needs to look at various problems associated with their inner child.

Meditation can also be something to think about during this time. You will attempt to remember that time in your life when you were fearful. It takes patience for images to come to mind. You can also attempt to visualize that happy place where you may begin to see the child. This is a great way to connect with the child as well. However, it works best when you turn this into a story.

You also need to interact with the child, getting to know more about him or her. This will include finding out about what he or she likes to do. The inner child may enjoy reading, for example. Go back in time and pick out their favourite book. This will help you to connect with him or her once again.

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