Cheap Compared To Expensive Perfumes

Posted by Brett Slansky | 7:33 PM | 0 comments »

By Virginia Jackson

People are obsessed with beauty and looks. Of course, when it comes to beauty we are also conscious with our scents. Scents are very common even during the ancient times. Oil based perfumes are very rampant today because it is far better than the other one.

The taste of every individual depends on its own preferences, some may like the strong fragrance or scents and some may not. In any case, we cannot change the fact that the scent of a person adds beauty and attraction to the latter. In fact, as a person we already this natural scent from birth. We got it from our genes and from the kind of foods we eat.

In simpler words, in order for an individual to become more attractive he or she should not just look good but also smells good. After which, it necessarily follows that the latter also tastes good. It may sound naughty but using the principle of analogy, that premise may be said to be correct.

Our ancestors used to extract the fluid from a particular raw material just to make a perfume for their own personal fragrance. They usually use flowers, leaves and fruits in this kind of activity. Base on these statements and by implication, we can see that the way of living before was indeed difficult as compared today. Even just for this simple thing, as we can say now, has been a hassle for them.

Eventually, because of such desire to lessen the hassle, a person with a brilliant mind came up with the idea of making perfumes. Of course this would not be possible without the help of modern technology and methods what was developed through times. Today, a lot of perfumes are already available and can be bought in the market.

Toilet water or commonly called as perfume based on alcohol is very famous nowadays especially for teenagers. Not only that it is cheaper but such can also be seen almost everywhere. One can even order it online or from the internet and in just one click you can already make your purchase.

On the other hand, a better product with identical use is actually available in our market. However, since the same is better to the former indeed, it normally costs a little higher. The price is not that high actually, it still falls under the minimal pricing rate. Well, except for those luxurious fragrance being sold in some part of the world.

This kind of parfum literally lasts far longer than the former. Such is also more friendly to our skin and I am pretty sure than you would no get any allergy from it. It was already proven that oil based is way better than the other which is based from alcohol. In fact, such is a lot safer than the latter since made from oil there is only a small possibility that it can cause fire.

In either case, both types of parfum may be useful on its own way. It completely depends on the preference of individual who use it. Some do not even bother applying the same as long as they took good shower and feel fresh already. Our scents may affect our total appearance but personality matters most than anything else.

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