Hosting Classic Poetry Readings Los Angeles

Posted by Brett Slansky | 9:28 PM | 0 comments »

By Eric Morris

Literary entertainment can take many forms. Whether an author reading from a newly released book, a featured poet at a bookstore, poets reading at an open-mic or poetry slam, all offer a great deal of fun for literary enthusiasts. When it comes to the best classic poetry readings Los Angeles, these are often those presented in the classical style.

Classical poetry events are often a bit different from ongoing open mics and slams. For, these events feature poets reading nothing other than classical material. While numerous poets attempt to write in the classical style, it is not an easy task. Whereas, those attending these events know the difference between classical poetry and other styles and are often disappointed when a reading differs from expectation.

Most of those whom hold true to classical roots feel that the intelligence and style can not be compromised by mixing the work with other styles. As such, it is important that the host of these readings are careful to keep the reading focused solely on classical poetry. Otherwise, classical poetry lovers may very well turn to other classical readings and venues.

Individuals desiring to host a poetry reading, whether classical or otherwise, need to be sure the event is held at a convenient time and place. For, there is always a time which is better for the majority of poets than others. As many poets also work full or part-time jobs, weeknights and weekends are generally the best times. Whereas, those hosting slams often like to do so on Thursday, Friday or Saturday nights.

Depending on the number of poets at an event, hosts can either provide a sign-up sheet or host a storm the mike type of event. In the latter, anyone feeling the urge to read simply jumps on stage. Whereas, when a sign up sheet is involved, the host generally introduces each poet whom reads in succession according to the number next to the name.

Organization is the key factor in all literary oriented events. One of the most important aspects is that the stage and seating are appropriately placed for the type of event. For example, a professional author reading at a bookstore will most likely want to set up a book display next to the reading, have a podium and several chairs facing the display and podium. Whereas, an open mic poetry reading is often more casual with a stage, microphone and scattered seating.

One way hosts can make an event more entertaining is to play around with the lighting and sound before and during an event. For, the better the sound, often the more the audience will pay attention. Whereas, using the lighting in creative ways can often make the host and poets more interesting.

When providing a theme, poets can also decide whether or not to attend an event based on personal interest. For, themes which relate to life, death, lifestyles politics, romance or social justice can often be uncomfortable for some poets depending on personal experience. While this is the case, most poets tend to be more open-minded than otherwise, as is often shown by the original writings often featured at these events.

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