Common Problems That Teens Are Suffering From

Posted by Brett Slansky | 8:55 PM | 0 comments »

By Maria Wood

Kids are very much looking forward to growing up and having their lives all figured out without knowing that growth can be a little painful. Changes that happens on ones personality, behavior and way of thinking can be a cause of some unwanted mental health problems. This age is where confusion about how they feel occurs very common which is not easy for them to begin with. Below would be a little explanation of these problems that not only young adult Matthews NC are suffering but almost majority of young population are going through.

Most of the time, teenagers do not understand what exactly they are feeling and it causes them to think that there could be something wrong with the way they are which is wrong. They became drown to these whirlpool of ups and downs and could somehow affect their personality in both positive and negative way.

This age requires so much guidance from those who understand them so that they will not end up thinking that something is wrong with what they are becoming. The effects of these thoughts could be a mere reason for an individual to develop a mental health issue. And people around those who are suffering from such things should be aware of this so they would not end up adding salt to an injury.

Sometimes parents would just think that being moody and cranky is normal for teenagers to feel and it will just be a phase. But little did everyone know, mood swings can be a reason for youngsters to feel confusion about their feeling and controlling it can be hard. On the next paragraphs, some of the most common mental sickness will be explained briefly.

The most common mental problems that teenagers are experiencing are autism, anxiety, depression and behavioral disorders. Statistic shows that male are most like to have autism and ADHD while women are commonly suffering from anxiety. One commonly acquire such problems once and if they were raised in a family that abuses them physically or sexually.

Depression is usually a strong sense of sadness and anger that is quite overwhelming to carry. Being depressed would often make one feel constant pain like stomach ache and headache. Additionally, constant thought about death is running through their head because they feel worthless.

Anxiety is a little bit like depression but the only difference is that the emotion that is strongly present is fear and panic. Because of that, they became so unresponsive to the crowd while they feel emotional when alone. They do not like being surrounded with many people as it makes them uneasy.

Eating disorders are broken down to two type, one is anorexia and the other is bulimia. Anorexia is thinking about constantly wanting to lose weight so they do not eat or if they would, just small amount of food. Bulimia is the opposite of anorexia, this is over eating and as a result they purge the food after. This is very common to women who are feeling social people from their peers who are setting standards when to body figure.

These things are serious and could be a reason of bigger problems for the individual and family on the long run. To prevent anything bad from happening, it is best to have those family members having such sign to be checked by experts. That way they are helped with medication and treatment for their unwanted thoughts.

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