By Mattie MacDonald

The world is home to over six billion human beings. These people belong to more than one hundred and ninety countries that share the planet together and have their own rules and laws. All of these countries have their own national languages and dialects that allow people to communicate well with each other.

Racism consists of both prejudice and discrimination. It is still present even in these modern times, when everybody boasts of being open minded and fights for equality. This is an issue that has plagued societies, often based in social perceptions of biological differences between people. It takes the form of social actions, such as racism in professional sports.

This social issue often exists because there are practices, beliefs, and even political systems that consider certain races to be inherently superior or inferior as compared to some. Most of the time, they are based entirely presumed inherent traits, abilities, and qualities. All of these has lead top a further rift between nations because people act based on presumptions.

The population is also quick to assume that there are certain ways that certain groups should follow. No one is allowed to break the tradition, and in the event that one is brave enough to do so, he is easily rained with negative comments from others who hate their guts. This whole act of putting humanity in labeled boxes is a form of suppression of their rights, and these often leads to turmoils.

Aside from the presumption, racism also stems from fear. It is inherent in humans to fear change and all those things that they have difficulty in grasping. They are afraid that something better might replace them and take what is rightfully theirs. To protect themselves and their interests, they try and put the others in a negative light and own the spotlight as theirs.

Insecurities can also be quite contributory. They are suffering behind the no nonsense exterior. Whether consciously or otherwise, they often try and inflict the same pain to others who seem happier than they are. As they say, misery likes company.

The issue is a very serious one. It has even affected so many lives and so many parts of living. It can even have the power to destroy a person. It turns an otherwise happy and ambitious individual to somebody who is bitter, violent, and angry. It also hinders them from seeing the good and the beautiful in things. Ultimately, it can lead to depression and loss of the will to live.

It has also invaded even the aspects that are supposed to provide entertainment. This includes the world of professional sports. It is not surprising to hear that a certain athlete has been impeded from playing due to his color, because it happens quite often.

What is saddening is that people fail to see people for their talents and skills. These should only be the main concern of sports. Everyone who is good should be allowed in, and not because of his gender, race, religion, or color.

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