Some Heliport Lights Installation Tips

Posted by Brett Slansky | 7:27 AM | 0 comments »

By Kerri Stout

An airport without lighting system would be very dangerous especially at night and would most certainly lead to overshooting the runway or crash on landings. Touchdown areas for helicopters should be lighted by the heliport lights. There are guidelines to use on elevated, ground or rooftop heliports when installing the lighting system and on the helipads which should be adhered to for uniformity all over the world.

Approach lightings to indicate the best approach for helicopter touchdown should be installed for guiding the chopper pilot on how to approach the heliport correctly to safely touchdown. Three rows of light should be used in this system in intervals of 30 meters. 90 meters from the take off and the last approach perimeter an 18 meters long crossbar should be set. The crossbar holds light at right angle to lines of the approach light which are at a spacing of 4.5 meters between them.

Wherever the final approach need to be made a little bit more visible, just after the crossbars, within 30 metres interval, additional lights can be installed. The nature of the light bulbs depends on the environment. They may be flashing in nature or just steady. The length of these light bulbs needs to be 210 metres or more for a final approach that is non-precision in nature and for the area of take-off.

Lighting for the FATO (Final Approach and Take-Off) area should be done at the edges covering all the FATO area if it a ground level heliport. Rectangular or squarely constructed one should have at least 4 lights at the spacing of 50 meters making sure each corner has a light. Lighting for other shapes of FATO should be made at 5 meter intervals and the minimum number of light bulbs to be 10. The light should be white in color and in all directions.

Aiming point light is another set of light bulbs that have to be installed. Their structuring should be to form a wedge like shape that points to the area of landing. The wedge shape so formed consists of not less than six light bulbs with a light at each of the six vertices.

Touchdown and lift-off area light bulbs should consist of perimeter or flood light bulbs. If FATO lights are available luminescent panel light bulbs are used. They are place at the edge or 1.5m from the touchdown area. At least 4 lights on each side at 3m interval for elevated and 5m interval for ground heliport should be installed. The color of these light bulbs should be green and they are set to be steady. Floodlights are place on floor level at a maximum of 10m spacing.

The system will not be complete without taxiway and apron lightings. They are blue in color and omni-directional. A 240V low voltage transformer is used to power them.

Heliport light installation guidelines can be found from ICAO. The brilliancy of the light should adjustable to control light intensity in different weather conditions. Lightings should be done correctly in heliports for safety purposes.

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