Finding The Best Psychic Books

Posted by Brett Slansky | 6:30 AM | 0 comments »

By Annabelle Holman

When someone close passes away many people feel that they are able to speak to them through the use of a medium who can communicate with the spirit world. They are sometimes looking for answers to age old questions regarding what happens when you die and other times they simply want to be certain that their loved ones are happy. Psychic books are becoming another way of accessing the answers to these questions.

The subject matter of this type of book many times deals with what is waiting for people after they pass and the concept of being open to receiving communications from the other side. The subjects of past lives and reincarnation are also very popular. They offer people the hope that they will have another chance to get things right if their lives are not what they had hoped they would be in this one.

Authors of these novels generally speak from personal experience when writing. They bring the readers to an understanding of what happened to them to either strengthen, confirm or change their belief systems during the time covered in the book. Many of their experiences have changed their entire lives and given them the desire to share the wisdom they have gained.

Past life regression can be related by either the therapist who administers the hypnosis that helps to guide the client into their previous lives or the client. This procedure is very controversial and many people contest its authenticity claiming the subject is reacting to post hypnotic suggestions from the hypnotist. Believers say that people fear what they do not understand and as time passes the truth of their beliefs will be proven.

Some psychics and mediums believe that we are born with the ability to communicate with those who have passed and that most suppress this ability as they age in response to the need to fit in. One of the authors has written a book detailing how to develop your suppressed abilities. There are seven basic steps that the book takes the reader through to help reach this goal.

The theme that all of the authors advocate is the freedom they have gained since accepting the basic premises of this philosophy. The feeling is that all things that occur in our lives are preordained before out birth and that there is reason for each happening. The rewards that are reaped as well as the tragedies we endure and work through are destined to bring that person to a state of grace and peace within themselves.

While in a coma one of the authors experienced what he perceived to be a journey to heaven. He writes of being met by a spirit who leads him through the afterlife systems and speaks to him for long periods explaining what happens when someone dies in great detail. He is also informed by his guide about evil and why it is allowed and what can be expected when prayers are said.

Many of the people who believe in an afterlife or reincarnation can find information regarding these subjects online or in retail stores everywhere. Having the knowledge may bring the peace and serenity they are seeking.

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