By Imelda Reid

Building maintenance is more than just making sure all of the lights are working. The facility manager, who usually oversees this activity, has a lot on their plate when it comes to a large structure or campus. One of the best ides is to hire a company who will provide the building maintenance Ohio companies need for all of these things.

For the facility manager that has decided to take these tasks in hand and handle them within the company, a look at some of them will be appropriate. Lighting is critical for just about every endeavor. Replacing light bulbs is a constant problem as there are so many bulbs, in high and low fixtures. Some managers decide to bulb only once per year and leave the burned out ones alone until then.

Balancing the electrical needs for the plant might be problematic, especially if you have older facilities. Modern manufacturing will require massive electrical current and specialty processes may require even more. The monitoring of these elements of electrical service, as well as the normal replacement of fixtures, will require knowledgeable people with the experience needed for this.

The physical site, itself, will need special attention. Plumbers will have to be licensed and certified in all of the local regulations as well as electricians used throughout the site. Construction personnel, for all repairs needed on walls and ceilings, must also be on hand or on call to handle this area. There are any number of workers and helpers needed to ensure everything is done and all of them must know what they are doing.

Other areas, such as lawn maintenance, will have to be dealt with. Hiring a fully experienced crew may not be the best idea given the seasonal aspects of this maintenance. Lawns, appropriate pruning, leaves and debris clean up as well as new plantings and proper designs of all of this can be complicated. The management of a consistent approach to the buildings and grounds can be beyond the skill set of a process engineer who is often assigned to the position of facility manager.

The most important element of building maintenance is keeping everything clean and smelling good. This is the custodial crew that comes in each night and cleans up the mess that is made every day. Picking up trash and recycles, as well as cleaning restrooms, kitchens, break areas and that production plant are all of vital importance to company health. The result of these tasks also provides the good first impression to visitors and guests every company needs to promote.

Facility management companies can be called to handle all of the many tasks needed to provide a clean, safe operating environment. They have the licenses that are necessary and the training to take care of all of the needs within the appropriate regulatory codes. Supervisors are on hand and specialty trades are on call so everything is accomplished without issue.

Finding this type of company will be as easy as checking with several of your industry associates. You will want to find several that are already working in your industry to eliminate any training issues. This will enable them to come in and get to work immediately and that will allow you and your personnel to sleep better at night.

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