Cedar Park Recycling Eliminates Waste

Posted by Brett Slansky | 3:25 AM | 0 comments »

By Linda Ruiz

A person does not have to be obsessed with the environment in order to be interested in recyclables. For those living in Cedar Park recycling has become a habit formed in order to make their community a better place. You do not have to be a "tree hugger" to change your little corner of the world for the better.

There are many reasons why people choose to start recycling. Perhaps it is because they realize that the landfills are becoming full from all of the waste that is being put in them. It is not uncommon for cities that are situated on the coast to dispose of waste in the nearby waters. However, this is a dangerous practice and something that should not be happening. It is said that more than one half of the items disposed of in the landfills could have been recycled. If people had chosen to sort their trash before getting rid of it, less land would be needed for its disposal.

Not only can this cut down on waste, doing so can increase the property values of a whole community. Who do you know that wants to live near a landfill full of pungent waste? Communities that take the time to recycle in turn need less space for landfills, which creates a more attractive place to call home. Creating this type of community will make it a poplar place to live, thus increasing the desirability of the whole community.

Believe it not, the act of recycling can create a whole new flow of money into a city. Factories that produce packaging products can save money and energy by using recycled materials rather than having to create a brand new product from raw materials. Add this to the fact that everyday people can sell plastics and scrap metals to facilities that collect and resell them to manufacturers and you will see why recycling is a good thing for everyone involved.

You would think that everyone would want to participate because their are so many positive results from recycling. However, many people just do not want to be bothered with the extra effort such things take. While in the city, it is not unusual to have curb-side service in carrying away the recyclables. But in the country, rural residents must load up their car with their items and drive to a facility and unload them also. This can be more effort than the normal person is willing to give.

People are, in general, hard to convince that if they recycle the problems with the environment will lessen. When they do not see or hear of quick results, people tend to give up since their efforts do not appear to be making a difference anyhow. It is erroneous to believe that the problems will simply go away.

The beginner might find recycling to be a confusing task at first. Knowing what should be recycled and what can be thrown out can be daunting. Having a bin for paper, glass, plastic and aluminum can be helpful. Having them easily accessible, like by you trash can, will make it easier to do.

It is important to remember that the act of recycling does not always mean throwing items in the bins. It is possible for your family to find secondary uses for the items yourself. For example, using a vegetable can to hold pens and pencils on your desk simply by decorating it with stickers or contact paper. Re-purposing items is a creative way to recycle.

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