By April Jones

If you work in the nursing industry, you will agree that it can be very stressful. Many nursing staff will gather at the local bar for a drink after their long shift. Unfortunately, you get those who overdo it and can't stop at their limit. Sarah Jane Hordeyczuk is a young nurse who went over her limit. She ended up being involved in an altercation that ended in an assault. Sarah got charged with assault faces criminal prosecution.

Unfortunately in the medical industry this type of situation happens all too often. Nurses, who want to relax from a busy day of work at the hospital may do so, however they need to do it responsibly. In many cases, alcohol alters your state of thinking and reasoning.

There are skilled nurses who are repeat offenders and are arrested numerous times for drunken behavior. Some professional nurses don't have self-control when drinking alcohol. It is ok to enjoy a drink every so often. Enjoying a glass of wine after work is perfectly fine to have. However, if you always drink past your limit, this could indicate you have a drinking problem. Alcohol clouds a persons clear thinking and judgment. If this happens often to you, you may find it starts to affect your attention when you are at work.

The medical board made themselves clear that they will not take substance abuse lightly. Their policy and procedures show that they need their staff to be focused at all times when taking care of their patients. The importance of remaining attentive at all the time should be priority as nurses take care of the lives of people.

Are you are a professional nurse who seems to always find yourself totally wasted, or the police are always called out to your place due to you being in a drunken state. It is time for you to take control of your life and realize that there is a problem. There are many other methods you could use to help you cope with high levels of stress.

The realities police are facing now are that they are going out to break up fights involving drunken nurses. Police get called out many times to local pubs or the homes of nurses so that they can break up these drunken fights and altercations. The medical board is extremely concerned about how many nurses are getting arrested for assault while under the influence.

You will find the nurses will pop out to pub for a night cap. Some nurses will get in their car and drive home in their drunken state. This has sadly become a common occurrence and many people have become worried about their general safety.

If you have a family member or a friend who always over does it every time they have an opportunity to drink, you should speak to them about their problem. Many times these people are not even aware that they have a problem and they should speak to a professional. If you care enough for your friend then you should help them get their live back on track.

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