If your credit situation is less than ideal and you are trying to buy a home, you probably are interested in repairing your credit fast. While there are certainly things that you can do to quickly improve your credit situation, it is important that you have realistic expectations. If you have had a recent foreclosure or bankruptcy, it simply is not going to be possible to repair your credit quickly. However, if most of your recent bills have been paid on time and your problems are a bit older, there is quite a bit that you can do to improve your overall credit situation.
The bureaus won't provide your score for free (you have to pay them for that), but it is still important to see what information they have about your past credit transactions. That way, if something is wrong, you can correct it.After all, if you paid a bill on time -- but it was reported by a collection's agency as not paid -- you're going to want that false information removed.Make sure you have a credit card.There are two types of credit that are reported to the credit bureaus -- revolving and installment credit.Installment credit is bills that you pay a certain amount towards each month -- like your car payments, mortgage payments, student loans, etc.
It is a common misconception that closing old accounts will help to improve a person's credit score. In fact, old accounts are your ally in obtaining a good credit rating. Keep your old accounts active, even if you only keep a small balance on each of them. The age of accounts in your credit report along with the payment history on those accounts are large factors in how credit reporting agencies calculate your credit score.
Keep your credit card balance low.Credit bureaus like to see a large gap between your credit card's maximum limit and your current balance. Typically, credit experts will tell you to try and keep your balance at no more than 30% of the card's maximum limit.That shows that you have credit, use it, and pay it off, instead of the alternative -- that you are behind in payments or maxing out cards.Even if you pay off your balance in full each month it's a good idea to keep charge amounts low because the total balance of the card is reported to the credit bureaus each month.
Next, be aware of your financial limitations and do your best to pay your creditors on time. While following the first two steps in this article, it is imperative that you continue to pay your debts in a timely manner to fix your credit report. If you have had trouble paying your bills on time in the past, consider using a dedicated calendar in your home just for paying bills. In addition to using a calendar to track your due dates and payments, you should also consider using any of the free automatic bill pay options that many creditors offer. Having your payments made automatically for you is a great way to ensure that you are paying your bills on time every month.
The third step is to carefully review these free reports and commence taking direct action to dispute inaccurate, outdated, or erroneous credit report information that you find in your credit history.The free credit report website annualcreditreport.com will not provide you with your current FICO score. You will have to shell out $5 to $10 at the time of your order to view your credit score. Yes, the credit report information remains free; the FICO score is still a chargeable item. To check your credit, you can always order your FICO scores online at myfico.com.
You should be aware that both the CRA and the business which provided originally submitted negative information to the credit bureaus are responsible for ensuring the reported information they are adding to your credit report remains accurate and timely. They have a vested interest in getting the story right. This is where you likely will find the errors, and where you will have the best opportunity to challenge black marks and derogatories hurting your credit score.
Another thing to look for are accounts that you have already paid down, but which companies have failed to clear up. If you find errors like these you will need to contact businesses individually to request corrections. This can take time to accomplish, however, it is one of the surest ways to kick a score up quite a bit.
One popular option for cleaning up your credit history is debt settlement. This works well, but be sure to know what you are doing. Be careful going with a debt settlement company. Many times they really don't care about you; they just want your money.Debt consolidation is another option to bolster your credit history. Debt consolidation may be one of the quickest and most effective methods you can employ to reduce your debt load, and raise your score. Basically, debt consolidation simply combines your debts into a single payment, thus making it easier to keep track of and pay. But again, research this tactic carefully to see if it will work for you.
Consumers must also work hard to develop positive lines of credit. If you want to know how to fix your score in a major way, you will find that spending money will actually help to increase an individual's purchasing power. You do not need to make a major purchase in order to do this. In fact, many people establish positive lines of credit by simply signing up for secured credit cards or by letting a business finance an in-store furniture purchase. These accounts are easy to manage and pay down and will help you to show yourself as being worthy of larger amounts of funding.
The bureaus won't provide your score for free (you have to pay them for that), but it is still important to see what information they have about your past credit transactions. That way, if something is wrong, you can correct it.After all, if you paid a bill on time -- but it was reported by a collection's agency as not paid -- you're going to want that false information removed.Make sure you have a credit card.There are two types of credit that are reported to the credit bureaus -- revolving and installment credit.Installment credit is bills that you pay a certain amount towards each month -- like your car payments, mortgage payments, student loans, etc.
It is a common misconception that closing old accounts will help to improve a person's credit score. In fact, old accounts are your ally in obtaining a good credit rating. Keep your old accounts active, even if you only keep a small balance on each of them. The age of accounts in your credit report along with the payment history on those accounts are large factors in how credit reporting agencies calculate your credit score.
Keep your credit card balance low.Credit bureaus like to see a large gap between your credit card's maximum limit and your current balance. Typically, credit experts will tell you to try and keep your balance at no more than 30% of the card's maximum limit.That shows that you have credit, use it, and pay it off, instead of the alternative -- that you are behind in payments or maxing out cards.Even if you pay off your balance in full each month it's a good idea to keep charge amounts low because the total balance of the card is reported to the credit bureaus each month.
Next, be aware of your financial limitations and do your best to pay your creditors on time. While following the first two steps in this article, it is imperative that you continue to pay your debts in a timely manner to fix your credit report. If you have had trouble paying your bills on time in the past, consider using a dedicated calendar in your home just for paying bills. In addition to using a calendar to track your due dates and payments, you should also consider using any of the free automatic bill pay options that many creditors offer. Having your payments made automatically for you is a great way to ensure that you are paying your bills on time every month.
The third step is to carefully review these free reports and commence taking direct action to dispute inaccurate, outdated, or erroneous credit report information that you find in your credit history.The free credit report website annualcreditreport.com will not provide you with your current FICO score. You will have to shell out $5 to $10 at the time of your order to view your credit score. Yes, the credit report information remains free; the FICO score is still a chargeable item. To check your credit, you can always order your FICO scores online at myfico.com.
You should be aware that both the CRA and the business which provided originally submitted negative information to the credit bureaus are responsible for ensuring the reported information they are adding to your credit report remains accurate and timely. They have a vested interest in getting the story right. This is where you likely will find the errors, and where you will have the best opportunity to challenge black marks and derogatories hurting your credit score.
Another thing to look for are accounts that you have already paid down, but which companies have failed to clear up. If you find errors like these you will need to contact businesses individually to request corrections. This can take time to accomplish, however, it is one of the surest ways to kick a score up quite a bit.
One popular option for cleaning up your credit history is debt settlement. This works well, but be sure to know what you are doing. Be careful going with a debt settlement company. Many times they really don't care about you; they just want your money.Debt consolidation is another option to bolster your credit history. Debt consolidation may be one of the quickest and most effective methods you can employ to reduce your debt load, and raise your score. Basically, debt consolidation simply combines your debts into a single payment, thus making it easier to keep track of and pay. But again, research this tactic carefully to see if it will work for you.
Consumers must also work hard to develop positive lines of credit. If you want to know how to fix your score in a major way, you will find that spending money will actually help to increase an individual's purchasing power. You do not need to make a major purchase in order to do this. In fact, many people establish positive lines of credit by simply signing up for secured credit cards or by letting a business finance an in-store furniture purchase. These accounts are easy to manage and pay down and will help you to show yourself as being worthy of larger amounts of funding.
About the Author:
Learn more about How To Fix Your Credit as well as Debt Consolidation Programs , now.
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