By Shanna McNeil

Wicca is a modern pagan religion that is based on witchcraft. The two Wicca lineages that predominate are the Gardnerian line and the Alexandrian line. For Wiccan altar supplies one may approach any of the shops online or search in your own locality. The practices and beliefs of the various sects among the Wiccan vary from place to place and with different practitioners.

The altars of the Wiccan is made of a chest or a small sized table that supports many items for their worshiping of their Gods and Goddesses. These include items like chalices, phallic type symbols and candles that represent various things including their deities. An altar-cloth is used to cover the table so that it is well protected against dust from incense sticks and from the burning wax from the candles.

There are many things that are given when one wants Wiccan supplies. It depends on what celebration that the articles are required for. It may be for a casting magic spells or for celebrating the feast of light. The left side of these altara is kept for the Goddess and the right side is for the God. The center of the table is the working place for the practitioner.

Items that are used on altars include the chiming bells, ties, bells for rituals, cloth and besoms. The besom is noting but witch's broomstick which represents harmony, ceremonial magic, good luck, home protection and decor. The ties are used extensively, and religious symbols such as the pentagram, the heart and different Celtic symbols such as crescent moon are used.

Other items include the bowls, boxes chalices, cauldrons and chime bells. People may also want unique items like specially designed tables or wands for their spells. There are quills and feathers and special clothing for certain kinds of magic enchantments.

The altars are usually arranged in a specific manner with the representation done for four elements and four directions. The actual representation may differ and the symbolism used will vary from practitioner to practitioner. However the layout of a table will be the same within the same sect. Book of Shadows and the pentagram are usually part of every ritual and incantation. The duo theistic religion conceives a Divine Duo one male alongside other female who complement each other. These lovers constitute the partners who fashion the cosmos.

Shadows book is a blank book that is used to make entries and keep copies of the various kinds of enchantments that are used. One will also be able to get gift certificates at some stores that deal with witch craft. The books available will tell you how to enchant, how to cast spells and also books that are used for festive occasions. Shadow magic together with Celtic magic books and meditation books can be obtained.

Many stores, both local and online store Wiccan altar supplies. You will have to choose the articles after you decide the branch you are going to use. Wicca religion is represented by Triple Goddess who controls fate, the stars and the moon and Horned Deity who has power over the life beyond death, animals and forests.

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