By Joseph Yew

It can be difficult to have a thriving viral photos website if you don't know the tricks. Use online marketing, SEO and keywords to get your viral photos website successful. What other ways can you get your viral photos website successful? There are many tips, try these tips.

Use assigned keywords twice on a webpage, but do it as a naturally as possible. This will show Google that the keyword is relevant to that page, especially if it's in the title, description, and h1 tag.

Make your brand name noticeable and recognizable at all times. You want to be remembered as a good viral photos website to visit, so help your users know who you are. They won't always bookmark your page, so give them plenty of chance to notice and remember your name.

Considering how important content has become on the web, look into hiring a couple freelance writers to produce your blog posts. They will have the writing skills to put together quality copy quickly and affordably. After the initial teaching them about your site, they should be pretty hands off.

Add a StumbleUpon link to your site. Encourage your users to use it. Each time they stumble your posts means more referrals and publicity for you. StumbleUpon encourages long-term traffic so it pays off to invest in it.

Create info graphic - these are a fantastic way of representing information in graphical form. For an example, have a look here for one on entrepreneurs and there for one on online communities. People will link to this too if they find it entertaining or useful.

The text of a link should describe where the link is going, not just say 'click here'. Search engines note what the text of a link says, so this can help your search ranking. It will also improve the user experience because there will be no doubt as to where the link is pointing.

Start a LinkedIn group to help grow your network. Research topics within your niche and use your top two to three to serve as the foundation for the group. Offer consistent insights or polls to help keep your group engaged. Consistently invite new members. If it is too much for you to manage, hire a teammate to manage this aspect for you.

Make yourself accountable to somebody. It is your business, accepted but when you have somebody, based on your choice, to hold you accountable for not getting results, it helps you to pay more attention to what needs to be done.

Full page ads - or 'splash' pages - are out of style and annoying to visitors. Anything you would have put on a splash page can be put on your home page instead. This way, the user gets to choose whether or not to view the material as opposed to being hit over the head with it.

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