Sold Out After Crisis PDF Download

Posted by Brett Slansky | 1:39 AM | 0 comments »

By Emma Connah

Even though many people in America are living snugly inside their suburban home, when disaster strikes, there will be a lack of many things. This includes food shortages, where normal people are left like hungry schoolchildren to fend for ourselves. However, as funny as it sounds, we can avoid excessive hunger in all this by undergoing training for survivalist techniques. This solution trains us to live off the land anywhere, much so like the Native Americans.

Thus, it's a little more complicated than you may think and takes some specialized knowledge, but with some basics to expand on, you'll be more than ready if the civilized world as we know it ends. You'll be prepared and equipped with emergency survival food, while others won't, which will give you the survival edge if the situation ever presented itself. You could also read more about modern survivalist experts like Damian Campbell.

If you think about it, grocery stores and fast food chains are actually a fairly recent convenience. Before these things, people would rely on their own know-how when it came to procuring food. In fact, in some small, very poor, independent backwoods communities (think Appalachians) people still forage for wild food, hunt and process their own game, and completely rely on the land they live on to sustain them. However, these are a dying breed of people, and their ways are almost all but forgotten. In order to really understand the work that goes into preparing food from absolute scratch (or even finding it!) you could live with them for a while, or you could start practicing now. Damian Campbell would recommend you put into practice his teachings as well.

Tools of the trade.You may want to make sure you always have some basic survival tools and basic supplies handy, and you should know how to use them. A good, foldable hunting knife is a great start. A hatchet is also a good idea. A machete is a good tool if you happen to live in an area that sports heavy vegetation. A gun may be useful, but in terms of basic survival they're not really necessary with the right skill sets (like knowing how to build traps, use a slingshot or spear, etc.) Know how to tie knots and have rope handy. Know how to make simple shelters and familiarize yourself with how to build larger, sturdier shelters for permanence if needed. For reference, some of these tools and others like a ham radio are listed in Damian Campbell's survival manuals.

Stocking food and provisions.If you cannot evacuate from the city when a crippling disaster strikes, hopefully you have stored up provisions that will help you avoid going outside. People will rush to the supermarkets, and supplies will run out in a matter of hours. Potable water will be scarce as well.

You're going to need to know what wild foods around you are edible and worthwhile to seek out and harvest. If you're going to be foraging for emergency survival food, it's best to spend the least amount of energy finding the most food, in an ideal situation. For now, it may be worthwhile to look up more information on foraging, because every environment is different. Or consider contacting a local foraging expert and asking them how to forage properly. But, for convenience's sake, there are some basic foraging crops and skills you should know.

Along with the limitless amounts of food you can find in the wild, you're going to need to know how to store your found emergency survival food, especially for survivalists that live in northern climates when winter time makes for difficult foraging. One way to preserve plant foods is to can them. Canning is the process of sealing foods in a glass jar with high amounts of heat in a boiling water bath, that in essence stops the food you seal from decaying (in a sterile environment). This is a great way to save harvests over a season. Canning needs to be done in a very clean area, because you can get very, very sick from bacteria that populate in canned foods. Depending on the kind of jars and foods you're canning, it's a good idea to learn the specifics before you try canning them. A good way to start is to try making your own pickles. There are plenty of recipes on the internet you can try, and canning supplies are easily found in most grocery stores these days, especially in the fall season. You can try just about anything, especially fleshy vegetables and fruits. Berries are easy to find, and you can turn what may be a very sour and not very palatable berry into a delicious jam with enough sugar, canning it for later use. Crabapples are excellent fruit that are great as preserves or as a jam. Currants, gooseberries, mulberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, cranberries- almost any kind can taste wonderful canned with enough sugar.

Damian Campbell has a lot more tips for surviving and packing emergency food supply lists. This material is great training for you to survive many scenarios, including long-term "end-of-civilization" emergencies. If you follow the materials and training in his manuals, and put together the emergency kits he recommends, you will have to forage less when disaster strikes. With an emergency kit already assembled, you could be more mobile and perhaps you could flee the disaster area better. That is why it pays to be prepared, and Damian Campbell has a lot to offer.

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