Great Ideas - How To Achieve Them

Posted by Brett Slansky | 1:38 AM | 0 comments »

By Victor Hood

Want those great ideas to start coming? You could try waiting to see if they pop into your head someday, but if you want a more systematic method you can use today, here it is in three simple steps.

Be knowledgeable in the area where the ideas are to be used.

Use tools to generate ideas.

Come up with several ideas and choose the best.

Great Ideas Start With Knowledge

You wouldn't expect to come up with a new theory of relativity if you had no knowledge in physics or mathematics. If you want to come up with a new idea, you need some degree of common conversance. Mere conversance, though, is not enough if you want great ideas - you need EXPERTISE in your field of choice.

To create a new and better guitar that needs no amplifier or effects to make you sound like Jimi Hendrix, you need knowledge on guitars - and some micro-knowledge on other facets of music and guitars. This might include knowing a little about all the current modes of transportation. In addition, it might do you good to listen to each of Hendrix's most popular songs to further dissect his technique, or list down the failures or successes of other guitar luthiers in achieving such a goal.

Using Tools to Come Up With Great Ideas

The germination point of ideas and concepts is in the human brain, and our brain has certain precepts that it goes by. This brings us to the topic of different idea generating techniques, that include, but are not limited to problem solving techniques. One valuable tool would be the concept combination technique. And effective too - for example, tell your mind that it needs to search for a creative way to marry a plane with a motorcycle. This writer took all of ten seconds to come up with the neat idea of a motorcycle in which you can activate its wings if the machine leaves the ground, like off the edge of a tall cliff with the cops on your trail.

Redefining problems is another tool you may wish to utilize, as it opens your mind up to so many possibilities. Redefining "inexpensive homes" as "ways to help people afford homes" has lead to all sorts of new financing methods that have made it easier to buy a home even as prices have risen. If "better job" becomes "better way to make money" you open a whole range of possibilities. Great ideas can be birthed from the following techniques and others, but the question is, which one suits you the best?

Many Ideas To Choose From

With more ideas come more ways to filter out these ideas until you are left with the really good ones. One must work pragmatically and systematically when coming up with cogitations, abstractions or ideas in general. The last piece of advice would be to work where you feel most relevant, if you do equate greatness with relevance. You may have an idea in mind for a wonder potty trainer for toddlers, but why limit your scope to potty trainers if your great ideas encompass so much more, like the obviation of war and conflict, the solution to world hunger, the miracle cure to AIDS and other deleterious human conditions and/or making the world a better place in general?

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