By Iva Cannon

Alcoholism refers to the situation at which a person becomes an alcohol slave. This means that he/she depends on alcohol to lead a normal life. Alcohol is known to be very addictive. Alcoholism develops when people involve themselves in regular consumption of alcohol. Alcoholism is a very bad habit. It leads to wastage of money among many health problems. Below are basics that include alcoholic intervention Oakland CA.

Professionals have mastered the art of expressing concern to the affected persons. They also have the power to show great levels of compassion to the alcoholics. They do so by avoiding negative terms and threats to the victim. Blame game should also be avoided. They should rather use encouraging words. These words are very powerful since they make the victims feel loved and appreciated.

Alcoholics in Oakland CA and the whole world in general face the same problem. They face the problem of quitting the habit of alcohol consumption. They try too hard but the habit keeps on recurring. Alcohol is associated to wastage of money in an effort to satisfy the ever recurring urges among other health dangers. The families of the victims should be very dedicated in the whole activity of alcoholic intervention. It is their role to seek professional intervention. Alcoholism menace is not specific to particular persons in a family rather it can affect anyone.

The affected members of the family need to be educated on the dangers associated with their alcohol consumption habit. This is done by reminding them the dangers alcohol pose in their lives. It can be achieved by encouraging them to visit seminars and reading journals on dangers of alcoholism. Private Counselors may also be hired in an effort to curb the menace.

Another critical thing about interventions is that it should be conducted on neutral territories. This implies that the person doing the intervention should not accuse the victim of bad behavior. He/she should avoid playing the good guy. He/she should try and elaborate to the victim the dangers of alcoholism and emphasize on life without alcohol.

It is also important for close friends, employers and fellow employees in general to take part in the process of alcoholic intervention. Their participation aims at helping the affected person fight his/her addiction problem. They can help by referring the affected persons to a rehabilitation center or maybe finding an alcoholic counselor for the victim. This helps the victim develop a positive attitude towards quitting alcohol.

It is also critical to make the intervention session short enough. The sessions should be allocated a limited time of about 60 to 90 minutes since long sessions are in most cases associated to anger flare up. It is also very clear that compassion may go down. To avoid this problem, the lengths of intervention sessions should be greatly reduced.

In order to achieve success in these sessions, an alcohol evaluation test is very critical. This should follow the intervention session. This has the aim of determining the progress of the patient in recovering from alcohol addiction. Several tools maybe used including a semi-structured assessment test for drug dependence and alcoholism.

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