By Lelia Hall

There are various ways in which people try to earn happiness. This is important as it helps a man to live longer on this earth. Wealth is not the only thing that makes people live a happy life. There is much to living a happy life. One thing that people never knew is that being thankful to different people that come your way is an important thing in life. Learn more on finding happiness through gratitude.

You all know that you cannot have everything that the world has to offer. That is why you must luck some things in life. Again, not every human being is equal to the other. What you have, your neighbor does not and maybe vice verse. With that in mind, you would learn to appreciate what you have. Failure to that, you might end up being frustrated.

Lifestyle changes are causing stress to many people. Research has shown that if people appreciate the little that life offers and not focus on the much they do not have, stress related conditions would reduce. Philosophers have said that the joy in life comes from looking at the little one owns and finding courage to be happy with it. The small pleasures in life are believed to generate most joy.

The best way to develop this attitude is by assuming that everything that you are and you have is not out of your own merits and hard work. It is rather a miracle that has happened to you and you should remain grateful about it and in an exceptional way. Scientific research shows that most of the people who live for many years are those who had thankful attitudes since they always appreciated whatever they had and never became anxious of what they missed.

Many people however, do not the different ways that express thankfulness or gratefulness. To begin with, you should always appreciate or thank people who love you, challenge you, work with you and serve you. Above all these, you should appreciate yourself just the way you are since this is where the development of a grateful attitude begins. If you struggle in being happy about yourself, you will find it hard to be happy with others.

For this reason, you should never find anything wrong with the way you look, body features and conformation as well as your background. These things will only make you live with unnecessary guilt for no good reason. Live knowing that you are the best and most talented and appreciate everything about you.

People might also correct you for doing wrong. Once you are corrected, you should not create grudges with people. Instead, you should be thankful for their correction. However, there are people who take advantage of such an opportunity and just prove to you that you are not capable. For such people, you need always to prove them wrong. Show them that you can do it.

Lastly, researchers further claim that if you would like to live a healthy life, it is important that you give thanks most of the times. Stresses are killer in life, and this may ruin your health in a great way. It is, therefore, important that you observe the activities that you carry out and the side effects. People who live an unhappy life experience problems from the major organs of the body, for instance, the heart and the brain.

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